Turtle Island 24/42
Soul, Hip Hop, Indy, Country, Swing, Pop, Alt Rock, EDM and Dance from members of the Cree, Piipaash, Quechan, Ojibway, Métis, Inuit, Mexica/Aztec and Navajo nations
With Jessa Sky, iiwaa, Geronimo & Didds & CJAY GRIZ, Amanda Rheaume, Desiree Dorion, Blue Moon Marquee, D.M. Lafortune, Troy Junker, Dustin Thomas, The All Canadian Soundclash, Raven Reid, Los Cogelones, Hataalii, Tia Wood, KiVeli & Klassy Project & Payson and QVLN.
The show goes out in the UK on Resonance FM, in Austria, on Agora, Fro, Freequenns, & Proton, in Italy on Onde Furlane and in the U.S. on WGZS FM. And as a podcast on Fridays from Pantheon Podcasts. More info at https://artist.link/tunesfromturtleisland
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