Tunes From Turtle Island
Hi I’m Andrew GJ
I am an artist working with many mediums including, but not exclusive to, found objects, bronze, glass, film and audio. At the moment, I am making the Tunes from Turtle Island radio show, I consider this to be a part of my artistic portfolio.
The Tunes From Turtle Island radio show is dedicated to playing only indigenous artists from Turtle Island. In 2016, I was following online the Standing Rock oil pipeline protests, (which btw was the biggest ever protest gathering in North America), when I heard music I hadn’t encountered before. I am a bit of a music nerd and collector, so pursued an internet audio trail to find an incredible wealth of music and sound. In the show I play all genres: country, punk, jazz, hip-hop, traditional, experimental, soul, rock, blues and more, ranging from the 1920s right up to the present day. I mix new releases and old classics, often back to back, in a style sometimes reminiscent of the British DJ John Peel.
My aim is to introduce more people to this amazing and varied music, as I think no other DJ or radio show in Europe is doing this. I hope you enjoy my eclectic mix of tracks from the indigenous music scenes of N. America.
Broadcast by Radio Agora, Radio Freequenns, Radio Proton and Radio Fro in Austria, by Resonance FM in the UK, and Radio Onde Furlane in Italy. And an indigenous owned and run station in Northeastern Minnesota 89.1 FM WGZS. The show is also podcast by Pantheon Podcasts at Tunes from Turtle Island the podcast.
More details on the show and the podcasts go to Tunes From Turtle Island
Contact: turtleisland101(at)
weniger anzeigenradio AGORA 105 I 5
Alle 249 Folgen
- Turtle Island 25/8 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 22.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/7 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/6 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/5 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/4 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/03 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/02 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 17.02.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 25/01 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 04.01.2025 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 24/52 aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 28.12.2024 | radio AGORA 105 I 5
- Turtle Island 24/51 (Xmas) aus der Sendereihe „Tunes From Turtle Island“ 24.12.2024 | radio AGORA 105 I 5