Talk 39: Abstract Language and Transformation Processes – Part 1
Within the project Art4Science, the artist Bela Borsodi and the researcher Eleni Tomazou and Heinrich Kovar come together for a talk. Bela introduces the researchers to where he is concerning sketches and ideas. He describes his aim to transform everything the researchers do into a total different environment in order to show mechanical things and not to touch the idea of ‚what is colour, what is scale, what is ethical, even what is cancer in that sense‘. In such a different environment (e.g. a distant planet in a science fiction novel like ‚Solaris‘ by Stanislav Lem) it can be possible to freely express mechanisms. The researchers and the artist look at various sketches of Bela and discuss them. They speak about ‚engine parts‘, ‚black box‘, ‚plasticity‘, ‚different shapes‘. In this context, they find interesting expressions to describe scientific terms.
Eleni Tomazou and Heinrich Kovar are scientists at the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), Bela Borsodi is a photographer and artist in New York and Vienna. The project Art4Science enables the scientists of St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute to develop a specific method of collaboration, by working with artists of different fields. In order to present scientific processes and research works in an innovative way, the artists will create music pieces, visual works of art and fashion collections as well. To provide the public with first-hand information, the meetings will be documented in radio shows and podcast recordings.
Art4Science – Kinderkrebsforschung und Kunst
Zur Sendereihe StationOrange 94.0
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