Passion and Purpose


Fulfilled By a Moonshot

This edition of Radio Tipping Point will concentrate solely on an interview held with Marko Haschej. Marko is a founder of Moonshot Pirates, entrepreneur, and former curator of TEDxKlagenfurt. Pursuing his own agenda and being part of the amazing TEDx network over the past years, made him experience many inspiring encounters and meeting amazing personalities all around the world, who helped him to pave his way through difficult challenges as an entrepreneur and change maker. Without those experiences, his path may have looked very different.

With Moonshot Pirates, an educational initiative, Marko aims to provide young people with the same opportunity and experiences already at a young age. By focusing on personal development, moonshot thinking, and exponential technologies, Moonshot Pirates offer to 15-19-year olds different programs such as regional boot camps, mentoring, an annual festival, and more.


Radio Tipping Point

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Society Radiomacher_in:Michael Boyle
Sprache: English

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