Radio Tipping Point

Where Were You When We Created A Better Place to Live? The fact is that we all have the power to make the social transformation happen if we realize we can’t do it on our own and need each other.... mehr anzeigen

Where Were You When We Created A Better Place to Live?

The fact is that we all have the power to make the social transformation happen if we realize we can’t do it on our own and need each other. When each one of us does what we can, just watch the change take place!

This program is all about the hidden champions in our society who should be our role models.

Tatsache ist, dass wir alle die Macht haben, den sozialen Wandel zu bewirken, wenn wir erkennen, dass wir es nicht alleine schaffen können und einander brauchen, um dies zu erreichen. Wenn jeder von uns tut, was er kann, beobachten Sie einfach, wie die Veränderung stattfindet!

In diesem Programm geht es um die Hidden Champions in unserer Gesellschaft, die unsere Vorbilder sein sollten

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