an hour of sonic fiction


We all need some escape sometimes. Enter another world in our minds. In this episode of Radio Schallfeld, we are taking you on a trip through sonic worlds that create space for imagined and real identities, ghosts and vampires, for science fiction and sonic technological fictions. This is a great remix of music and throughts on sound, music and fiction as well as it creates fictions of its own, a swirl of sonic imaginations, fantasies or nightmares. Close your eyes and enter the vortex.

Music and comments (in order of appearance):

Delia Derbyshire on her music (from: „The Delian Mode“)

Björk – Utopia

Adriana Hölszky – Vampirabile

Denovaire – Sweet Terraforma

Peter Ablinger – An den Mond

Luigi Nono – excerpt from an Interview (1989)

Holger Schulze – Sonic Fiction (excerpt from a lecture, May 2021)

Dystopia – The Aftermath

Chra – FXXX

Rdeca Raketa – wir werden


Radio Schallfeld

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
Sprache: English