impulsradio #2 – electronic music


The second episode in our special series features electronic and electroacoustic music by young composers from the impuls academy 2025 in Graz. Due to the growing popularity of easy-to-use tools and home-producing audio technology, creating electronic music or blending electronic sounds inta composition today is accessible and popular for music creators of all ages, and it is common to mix a lot of different styles and approaches. In this episode you will hear five pieces by students of the impuls academy that show the diversity and richness of electronic composition today: from short aphorisms to long forms, from electroacoustic works that use purely synthesized sounds, to glitchy and noisy soundscapes, acousmatic musique-concrète-like pieces and compositions that combine acoustic instruments and live-electronic sound treatments. Tune in and enjoy!



Justyna Tobera – Fake Bond

Nina Casati – Chronologies

Vadim Genin – Good Luck Prince

Amit Buium – Ouija

Vasily Ratmansky – looking together at the infintely far information

Nathaniel Haering – to facilitate friction

Anton Schukau – Noisfeld

Ada Dincer – Haiku I


host: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka


The impulsradio series is curated by Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, member of Ensemble Schallfeld, with music and statements from people of the impuls community. It is a cooperation project between Radio Helsinki and impuls.


Radio Schallfeld

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
Sprache: English