From Anger to Action: Rakesh’s Permaculture Path


Radio Tipping Point deepens into important societal, environmental, and personal topics. The show highlights themes such as activism, love for nature , and the importance of self-reliance. Our guest, Rakesh, shares his journey from growing up in East London in poverty to becoming an activist, driven by his love for nature and anger at systemic injustices. He engages in reflective conversations, covering activism, permaculture , and societal change. Rakesh explains how anger can stem from love and discusses permaculture as a solution to many of the world’s problems, from biodiversity loss to sustainable food production. The show also features music that inspires and reflects the theme of hope for a better world.

Listeners are invited to contemplate their role in making the world better through thoughtful action and care for the planet and its people ❤️.

Info about Rakesh

Find his social media links on List of events Music, Radio shows and Interviews Instagram Personal Facebook account Facebook page Roots n Resilience public skills share Roots n Permaculture web site Videos on YouTube




Radio Tipping Point

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Michael Boyle
Sprache: English