Von What the Fuck is Prog Rock …?? ins Prog Rock Universe – Einjahresjubileum



KOMPENDIUM: Beneath the Waves – Exordium 2012

IQ: The Road of Bones – 2014

MOTORPSYCHO AND STALE STORLOKKEN present The Death Defying Unicorn – The Hollow Lands – 2013

GRATEFUL DEAD: LP Hampton Coliseum – Loser 1979

SPACE INVADERS: Dread Nought – Dungeons – 2015

SPIDER GAWD: Music per Borton – Tourniquet – 2015

ANNA VON HAUSSWOLFF: Funeral For my Future Children – 2013

ROBERT JOHND GODFREY: Cogenmoe Gallivant – 2013


Fest Neue Musik: 18.-20.11.2015 www.bruckneruni.at




Prog Rock Universe

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Franz Mühlbacher
Sprache: German

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