Voice of Peace #26
This show is packed with interesting topics. We will have a profile on Genghis Khan by Bayarmaa, hear about healthy food by Farsam. Hameed is going to talk about the foundation of Iraq’s army, Mamal is going to read a poem by Mawlana Jalal Alldin Arlumy to us and Emad is introducing Sufi Music to us.
Presentation: Emad Husso, Farsam Yousefi, Bayarmaa Shukhbaatar
Segments by: Hameed Abu-Ragheef, Muhammad Kianipouri, Emad Husso, Farsam Yousefi, Bayarmaa Shukhbaatar
Thema:Society policy
Radiomacher_in:Bayarmaa Shukhbaatar, Emad Husso, Farsam Yousefi, Hameed Abu-Ragheef, Muhammad Kianipouri, Nassir Al Broni
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