VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 21 JUN 2024 | Sutra 4.3 | Summer

21.06.2024 “In summer, the song sings itself.” ― William Carlos Williams And what else is there to add, in summer, the songs sings itself – but this carefully curated playlist of world contemporary tunes, of all summer inspired songs that sing itself by ——- Together lets CELEBRATE summer. Lets honor the sacred symbol of the circle, thehalo & and let us put on that radiant crown. Lets hold rituals of showing up for one another, for hang out times together just like these. In that we honor each other, we honor community, the universe, creation, peace, love & the divine. Through these practices we work to reconnect with the wild nature around us and within us. Wework to expand our awareness of the cyclical nature of life and being. WE come to this practice as a way of restoring RIGHT RHYTHM and moving toward healing, unconditional love & peace. Summer celebrations & Sutra 4.3 in this episode today… where we take a look at The natural flow of energy in the universe NOT BEING the cause for transformation, but rather the aid in removing obstacles like a farmer irrigating his fields. Personal responsibility seems to the be underlying theme of this sutra. As described in the first few sutras of this FOURTH chapter, there are greater forces at play in the grand unraveling of life. We cannot choose ultimately where we end up or which family we are born into. (well, that’s always up for discussion, but lets look at it from that point for right now, that we cant ultimately choose) and that The transformations of prakriti will happen anyway, regardless of the manifest steadiness of purusa.   Again,… Prakriti here refers to the basic cosmic material that is the root of all beings, and Purusha to the spirit or conscious energy that governs life and reality. The cosmic entity, Purusha, exists beyond the realms of time and space and combines with Prakriti to form this world of creation.

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Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: English