VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 05 JUL 2024 | Sutra 4.5 | Awareness, Self, Soul


THOUGH the activities of many minds vary, the one original mind controls them all. So just sit and meditate. Meditation is not thinking; it is dropping of thinking. Mind is blocking the path to the inner world. When you go inside, again and again you find some desire, some layer of mind, something to do with past and future. Once you get out of past, future automatically disappears. Past produces future. When there is no past and future, you are in eternity. This is original mind. – ancient yogic wisdoms

All souls  or lets call them, individualized expressions of Awareness emerge from one field of Awareness. As they descend into physical existence, they become encased in various bodily sheaths known as koshas. There are five koshas in all: Annamaya kosha – the physical sheath Pranamaya kosha – the vital sheath Manomaya kosha – the mental sheath Vijnanamaya kosha – the wisdom sheath Anandamaya kosha – the bliss sheath Through Maya’s concealing power of avidya, the soul develops a sense of I-ness (asmita), which causes us to identify with the koshas rather than recognize them as the outer garments of our true Self. The koshas become part of the material form which we construct the false-self. Living from that distorted perspective, the soul or that individualized expression of Awareness believes that false-self to be the cause and performer of all their actions. But there is only one power, cause, and actor—Awareness, the Self. That is the higher meaning of the word kriya. It comes from two root words: kri, meaning “action,” and ya, meaning “soul” or “Spirit.” Through the purifying practices of kriya yoga—self-discipline, Self-reflection, and surrender to Awareness—we realize that it’s through the Power of Awareness that all actions are performed.   And that is sutra 4.5 in this EPISODE, Power of Awareness and sense of false SELF. 

VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

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Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: Englisch