Tena Starčević zu Gast in Downtown Bad Radkersburg
Tena Starčević is together with her sister Nika and Tea Anzulović one of the three female singers of the seven-headed Croatian reggae-band „One Dread“ and was the guest of the 109th edition of my broadcast on the 7th of October at 6pm.
We start with how the three singers – they call themselves „TNT Vocal Force“ – and the 4 musicians – Goran Egić (guitar), Borna Ivezić (base), Ivan Perković (keyboards, trumpet) und Matej Smiljanić (drums) – are cooperating in writing the songs and their lyrics and in arranging and mixing the sound of „One Dread“. And Tena tells, how all of this has been leading to the release of their first album „Rewind, Play, Repeat“ in 2023.
Tena is also speaking about the ten years of time before creating own songs, in which they have been rehearsing more than 100 cover-versions from the genres reggae, ska, dancehall and hip hop and giving them their very own and typical style.
As reggae-music always was and is a medium for bringing political and social-critical messages to the listeners, we are talking about, how these subjects find their ways into the lyrics of their songs. And we treat, how emancipation has fortunately been developing since the time, in which the three female background-singers of Bob Marley, better known as the „I-Threes“ (Judy Mowatt, Marcia Griffiths and Bobs wife Rita Marley) had to stay in the shadow of Bob, even though they have influenced the sound of his music enormously.
One further subject of our interview are the necessary bread-jobs of the band members and Tena is telling, how her combination of being an art historian and a musician at the same time is working. And we are tattling about how proud she was about becoming nominated for being member of the jury of the very important „Radoslav Putar Award“ for young visual artists in Croatia and which huge challenge being part of this jury has been.
Last but not a all least Tena is reporting, what the visitors oft he One Dread-concert in Bad Radkersburg at the 9th of November can expect and that the band is looking forward to their first gig in Austria very much. Only one week later they will be the support of a huge concert of the famous „Asian Dub Foundation“ in Zagreb.
Aside from of course three One Dread-tracks you can listen to one each song from Black Uhuru, Steel Pulse and Third World in the broadcast.
Links to One Dread:
Links to the One Dread-Concert in Bad Radkersburg:
Links to the broadcast-series:
Zu Gast in Downtown Bad Radkersburg
Zur Sendereihe Stationradio AGORA 105 I 5
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