Rollersoaster 225


Titelliste Rollercoaster 225
1. Donovan: Mellow yellow
2. Cressida: The only earthman in town
3. Fleetwood Mac: Teenage Darling
4. Paco de Lucia: Granada
5. Dr.Strangely Strange: Sign on mind
6. The Meters: Funkify your life
7. Mark Knopfler: Baloney again
8. Sparrow: Dream song
9. Airto: Parana
10.Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: Soldier’s joy
11.Isaac Hayes: The look of love
12.Mills Brothers: Tiger rag



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Freies Radio Salzkammergut

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Alfred Hausotter
Sprache: German