Rollercoaster 224


Titelliste Rollercoaster 224
1. Five Finger Death Punch: House of the rising sun
2. Golden Earring: As long as the wind blows
3. New York Rock & Roll Ensemble: Love her
4. Fairport Convention: Instrumental/Sailor’s alphabet/John Lee
5. The Elastic Band: Last person in bar
6. The Brecker Brothers: Some skunk funk
7. Kinks: Yes sir, no sir
8. Otis Redding: Try a little tenderness
9. Geschwister Pfister: Geh doch
10.Ella Fitzgerald: Oh lady be good



Zur Sendereihe Station

Freies Radio Salzkammergut

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Alfred Hausotter
Sprache: German