Rollercoaster 223


Titelliste Rollercoaster 223
1. The Shangri Las: I can never go home anymore
2. Long John Baldry: Shake that thing
3. Crosby, Stills & Nash: Wooden ships
4. Ohio Players: Don’t say goodbye
5. Fresh Maggots: Rosemary hill
6. Gary Moore: Midnight blues
7. Bob Downes: No time like the present
8. Python Lee Jackson (Rod Stewart): In a broken dream
9. Frank Zappa: Brown shoes don’t make it/American drinks and goes home
10.Santana: Incident of neshabur/Silent way
11.Les and Scotty: Sheik of araby



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Freies Radio Salzkammergut

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Alfred Hausotter
Sprache: German