1 Radio Mwabonwa – Pat, Kein, Peter & Mario
Patience Kabuku und Kennedy Kambole, unsere Gäste aus Zambia,
haben die erste Live-Sendung gemeinsam mit Peter Kuthan und Mario Friedwagner gestaltet.
Location: Die Stiege vor dem Gemeindeamt in Ebensee.
„We were delighted by the warm welcome ushered to us. The experience of working with the team was wonderful and I am personally happy to pick a lot of radio experience (of not really a different kind – but with other people). I liked the togehterness as team and the culture work was excellent. The radio and the people were in harmony. Thanks and continue with your support of this because no one would have offered us such ideas we got through.“
Patience Kabuku, Redakteurin bei Radio Mwabonwa und Redakteurin bei Zongwe FM 105,0
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