Polona Glavan (predstavitev/interview)
Polona Glavan (1974) je diplomirala iz anglistike in primerjalne književnosti. Piše romane, kratko prozo in prevaja literarna in strokovna besedila iz angleščine. Poznana je kot velika ljubiteljica potovanj, prav izkušnje iz potovanj so bili njena iniciacija v pisanje. V svojem romanesknem prvencu Noč v Evropi je popisala eno od svojih številnih popotniških izkušenj, tokrat potovanje z inter-railom po Evropi. Njena druga knjiga, zbirka zgodb, z naslovom Gverilci, pa se osredotoča k vsakdanjim in na videz običajnim temam družine, otrok, mladih parov, življenja v mestu, vendar se pod to povrhnjico skrivajo nasilje, spolne zlorabe, samomori in duševne bolezni. Avtorica z Gverilci vstopa na polje socialno angažiranega pisanja, v zgodbah se je oddaljila od minimalizma in se sooča s socialno angažirano pisavo, ki pa je še vedno polna toplega humorja. / Polona Glavan (1974) graduated in English and comparative literature. She writes novels, short prose and translates English literary and technical texts. She is renowned as a keen traveller; it was her travel experience that first inspired her to write. Her debut novel Noč v Evropi describes one of her numerous journeys, an Inter-rail trip around Europe. Her second book, a collection of stories titled Gverilci, on the other hand focuses on everyday and seemingly commonplace themes such as family, children, young couples, city life, but hidden under this surface are violence, sexual abuse, suicide and mental illness. With Gverilci, the authoress enters the sphere of socially oriented writing, in her stories she departs from minimalism and tackles socially tendentious, but nevertheless warmly humorous writing.
lana@radiomars.si (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
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