Tone Škrjanec (predstavitev / interview)
Tone Škrjanec se je rodil v Ljubljani leta 1953. Končal gimnazijo in diplomiral iz sociologije na nekdanji ljubljanski Fakulteti za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo Po krajšem službovanju v prosveti je bil skoraj deset let zaposlen kot novinar v Titovih zavodih Litostoj. Od takrat nekje aktiven v KUDu France Prešeren kot koordinator programa ter organizator pesniških prireditev ter vodja ljubljanskega festivala poezije Trnovski terceti.
Pesnik in prevajalec. Prevaja predvsem sodobno ameriško literaturo (Paul Bowles, William S. Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Gary Snyder, Frank O’Hara, Timothy Liu), pa tudi iz hrvaškega in srbskega jezika. Leta 1997 izda zbirko pesmi Blues zamaha (Kud France Prešeren), leta 1999 zbirko haikujev Sonce na kolenu (Drustvo Apokalipsa), ob koncu leta 2001 zbirko Pagode na veter, avgusta 2002 je izšla njegova knjiga pesmi z naslovom Noži (LUD Literatura), spomladi letos pa še zbirko Baker (LUD Šerpa). Leta 2003 izide plošča poezije z glasbo z naslovom Košček hrupe in ščepec soli – ploščo izda skupina ljubljanskih pesnikov (Čučnik, Podlogar, Vrečar, Mozetič, Škrjanec) v sodelovanju z različnimi glasbeniki, na plošči sodeluje s petimi pesmimi skupaj z glasbenikom Janijem Mujičem. Spomladi 2005 je pri newyorški založbi Ugly Duckling Presse izšla knjiga haikujev Sun on a Knee, novembra istega leta pa v Krakowu izbrane pesmi v poljskem prevodu v knjigi z naslovom Pilnowanie chwil/Nadzorovanje trenutkov. V avgustu leta 2006 pa z glasbenikom Janijem Mujičem izda CD ploščo Lovljenje ritma.
Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
Tone Škrjanec was born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 1953. He finished high school and graduated in sociology at the University of Ljubljana. After being a teacher for a short period, he worked as a journalist for almost ten years. Since 1990 he has been a program co-ordinator at the Cultural Centre KUD France Prešeren in Ljubljana, where he works also as the organiser of poetry events. For several years now he has been the leader of the traditional poetry festival called The Tercets of Trnovo. In 1997 he published his first collection of poems Blues of a Swing, and in 1999 a haiku booklet The Sun on a Knee. His third book of poetry, Pagodas on Wind, appeared in spring of 2001, while his fourth collection of poems Knives was published in August 2002. In February 2003 a group of poets from Ljubljana (Čučnik, Podlogar, Vrečar, Mozetič, Škrjanec) with cooperation with different musicians, published a CD under the title A Bit od Noise and a Pinch of Salt. In this CD Tone Škrjanec presented himself with five poems accompanied by the musician Jani Mujič. His last collection of poems Copper appeared in spring 2004. In spring 2005 Ugly Duckling Presse (New York) published his book of haikus The Sun on a Knee, translated into English by Joshua Beckman and the autor. In November the same year a book of his selected poems under the title Pilnowanie chwil was published in Poland. In the year 2007 he published CD Lovljenje ritma/Catching the Rhythm (seven poems with music) accompanied by the musician Jani Mujič. Beside writing poetry Tone Škrjanec works also as a translator. He translates poems and novels from English, Croatian and Sebrian into Slovene. His preference goes to modern American literature (Paul Bowles, William S. Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Gary Snyder, Frank O’Hara, Timothy Liu). His poems were translated in most European languages and published in literary reviews and antologies in Europe and America.
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