Poetry Cafe 44: „Mountains“
Texts read and Music played:
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) The Mountain Summits Sleep (Alcman) Descriptive sketches taken during a pedestrian tour in the Alps, 1792 (Wordsworth) The Call of the Wild (Robert Service) Rocky Mountain High (John Denver) Yosemite Valley (John Muir) In the Mountains (Li Bai) Appalachian Spring (Aaron Copland) On the Alm, from Scenes from the Bavarian Highlands (Edward Elgar) Scrambles Amongst the Alps (Edward Whymper) From the Mountain (George Sterling) Land of the Mountain and the Flood (Hamish MacCunn) The Wings of the Mountains (Arthur Guiterman) Alturas – The Heights (Inti Illimani) Climbing Everest (George Mallory) Everest (Edmund Hillary) Richard Strauss Climb every Mountain (from The Sound of Music) If the conquest of a great peak… (Lionel Terray) To those who have struggled… (Francis Younghusband) Symphony on a French Mountain Air (Vincent d’Indy)Ähnliche Beiträge
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