Medicine: Vaccination against COVID-19


Answers to the following questions: 1) What is a vaccination? 2) Will the coming two vaccines against COVID-19 not change my genetic substance, will they not be built in into my genes? 3) Is the fast development of these vaccines not questionable? 4) What are the two coming vaccines? (BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna). 5) What are the results in terms of efficacy and side effects? 6) Allergic reactions after these vaccines? 7) The supply chain for the coming vaccines? 8) What other vaccines are there? (University of Oxford/AstraZeneca, Russian vaccine, Chinese vaccine). 9) Will the coming vaccines be effective against virus mutations? (Mutation variants from England and South Africa).


News from the World of Medicine

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Thema:Medical science Radiomacher_in:Dara Koper
Sprache: English