Margin of Error


Ability, disability

Ability, disability

Ability, disability

Ability, disability

Ability, disability


“There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.” – Shakespeare


What does it mean? People on the margins.




Margin – profit


Victor, victim, villain


The Drama Triangle was first described by Stephen Karpman in the 1960s. It is a model of dysfunctional social interactions and illustrates a power game that involves three roles: Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor, each role represents a common and ineffective response to conflict.


Breaking dependency Presence


vulner ability

vulner ability

vulner ability

vulner ability

vulner ability


vis ability

vis ability

vis ability

vis ability

vis ability

Heider’s Attribution Theory

Get this, an Austrian Jew who migrated to the US way before the hammer came down here….and he ended up in Kansas


Fritz is clicking his heals and chanting – There’s no realm like gestalt, there’s no realm like gestalt, there’s no realm like gestalt


Fundamental Attribution Error


The issue with others are disposition. Yours are situational


Correspondence Bias


The problem could have been situational, but you throw it into the dispositional camp


in ability

in ability

in ability

in ability

in ability


li ability

li ability

li ability

li ability

li ability

Dance of the ‘Victor Victim Villain’ Archetypes
Victor (Champion, Hero)

The three ‘V’s – victor, victim, villain. If you are human being, you can’t escape it. We all wear their cloaks at times in our lives. You are more dependent on these three V’s than you probably know.

Our ways of thinking shape our world. Whether we know it or not, the way we formulate our ideas do control how we see the world and how we make choices.

Consider for a moment how our inter-actions and choices emerge through them. How might these 3V’s show up as part of ongoing issues within your workplace and home-life? Most, if not all, of our decisions and actions emerge through the interactions underlying this ‘3V’ culture-making archetype.
Consider This …
Applying quantum physics to human behavior

Villain (Evil Bad Guy)

All models have rotation or spin. Thus each subject within a model becomes one of the others. The victor-victim-villain archetypal interaction has (like all models) a dynamic movement that moves each subject into becoming one of the others. In this case, the victor becomes the victim, the victim becomes the villain, and the villain becomes the victor. Have you ever noticed how this happens in your favorite movies? How the good-guy and bad-guy overlay each other’s light and dark sides? Batman and IronMan are two good examples that present this interplay. Have you also noticed, at least in our Western society, that there is often more attention placed on – not the hero, but on the villain? Because of this, the villain ends up being the real hero. This is the archetypal rotation in action. The policeman-assailant-assaulted scenario is another example how each person in the triad play an unconscious role in keeping this cultural engine running.

Awareness Shifts

Now then, in a (w)holistic view, do we need to allow the time it takes for each one of us to become the other? If so, this is a conscious act, is it not? Otherwise each of us (too often) get unconsciously caught migrating from one identity to another, and then fall back again, creating a polarized oscillation. Bouncing back and forth to and from the identity we had for ourselves previously. Instead of moving through one and into the next identity within this triad configuration, we stuck in one of them, and movement stops.

vi ability

vi ability

vi ability

vi ability

vi ability


suit ability

suit ability

suit ability

suit ability

suit ability


prob ability

prob ability

prob ability

prob ability

prob ability


afford ability

afford ability

afford ability

afford ability

afford ability


Response ability

Response ability

Response ability

Response ability

Response ability


Cape ability

Cape ability

Cape ability

Cape ability

Cape ability


Irrit ability

Irrit ability

Irrit ability

Irrit ability

Irrit ability


excite ability

excite ability

excite ability

excite ability

excite ability


approach ability

approach ability

approach ability

approach ability

approach ability


sustain ability

sustain ability

sustain ability

sustain ability

sustain ability


account ability

account ability

account ability

account ability

account ability


rely ability

rely ability

rely ability

rely ability

rely ability


profit ability

profit ability

profit ability

profit ability

profit ability


An Open Conclusion
Psychology, archetypes, and the dynamics of change

Victim (Suppressed Person)

What might be another model that could work better than the one we are unconsciously using today?

If we could become aware myth-makers, maybe we could design something different for a  relational dynamic model? We have become the result of  it designing us, rather than consciously using the model to create a collective intelligence that supersedes the interplay within the subjects of victor, victim, and villain.

What if we had an archetype for this dynamic? An archetype of archetypes? Would this allow humanity’s failing displays of destructive expression to be able to move downstream into other realms of possible life, form, awareness, and consciousness?

I’m writing a book on ‘cultural misfits’, and it’s just coming to my mind that this may be its charter – to transmute “objective isolated acts” (static) into “subjective interdependent actions” (dynamic). How we think about models – their influence on our beliefs, choices, and actions – may give us a way to begin consciously creating our way of life, rather than be unconsciously run by them.
+ + +
A new insight …
The Hidden Healer is ‘Vulnerability’
After watching this TED presentation I realized that the center of this complex, codependent triad, is the hidden healer to the turmoil created by the 3V interactions. It is VULNERABILITY. Watch the below well done presentation, which based on research, and you will see what I mean.

And what does this all have to do with COLLABORATION, INNOVATION, and CHANGE?

To become vulnerable, it means by default that you are connected to others. This simple yet profound point is unlike what most organizations teach. Instead they remove the irritating grit quickly to get to the strategic gems. Known as being ‘efficient’, it is a false premise and ends up not being effective at all, and certainly is not sustainable. In fact, when the grit is removed, it is a rare case where the innovation is not removed along with it. 

Turbulence, conflict, disagreement are healthy, but have to be placed within the context of our humanity, not our productivity.

More on this later, but it is very clear to me now that the gooey, yucky, sticky, muddy stuff that is created when each member of the organization or team consciously chooses to become vulnerable with each other, the whole game changes. Thus, this 4th V (vulnerability) is a baseline for healthy and effective collaboration and design.

Here’s the part that stops the show for most and they run away: At the core of our shells is vulnerability, which consists of those uncomfortable feelings we have when feeling exposed. And what binds the core together is the festering seed of SHAME.



Radio Tipping Point

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Michael Boyle
Sprache: Englisch