From Fitness To Enlightenment – 3


In this podcast I will talk about the journey from FITNESS to ENLIGHTENMENT following the 8 Limbed Path of the Yogi written down thousands of years ago by Patanjali.

I will introduce the 8 limbs of the yoga sutras

Moral vows (Yamas) Observances (Niyamas) Postures (Asanas) Breath (Pranayama) Turning inward (Pratyahara) Concentration (Dharana) Meditation (Dhyana) Enlightenment (Samadhi)


As always the podcast will offer you a guided meditation with me to experience and connect with some of what you have just heard.

Tune in and enjoy!


KARIN SCHMID body-breath-mind

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesundheit Radiomacher_in:Karin Schmid
Sprache: Englisch

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