Data: Freedom or Control?


Interview with Michael Shea, Data Identity Professional

.Social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff coined the phrase surveillance capitalism in 2014, and the effects of this condition have reached a critical state. Some say data is the new oil, but unlike oil, data once created lives on forever. Since the advent of the smartphone we have become addicted to ‘free’ Apps, but as your Opa used to say, ’nothing is ever free’. These Apps are part of our intimate lives and are feeding this data to large corporate entities for repackaging and profiling.

In this program, we will talk about the severity of the situation, what consequences we might expect, and what we can all do about it. Our guest will be Michael Shea, who has worked on various initiatives tied to data ownership and potability.


Radio Tipping Point

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Society Radiomacher_in:Michael Boyle
Sprache: English