Challenges and experiences: to be a female traveller
Today, Sweet Travels is about experiences of female travellers, challenges and experiences as women in different cultural regions. A special on the International Women’s Day!
In 2018, Simone Kaipel and her partner Mischa G. Hendel embarked on a journey – through different countries and regions, with different means of transport, with various plans and ideas. On this journey, both also thought about travelling itself and questioned global travel behavior: What does travelling mean nowadays? Who are the people who are actually able to travel? What are differences of male and female travellers? What is it like – as a woman – to be alone or in a group (with a partner or friends)?
Sweet Travels is dedicated to the phenomenon of travelling. It’s about being on the road, about tourism and journeys. Getting in touch with interesting people, their opinion about political, social, ecological and cultural issues in their home countries. Sweet Travels likes to tell stories from the perspective and voices of the people we met. It’s a reflection of a journey, and it is a reflection of the phenomenon of travelling in general. Sweet Travels invites you to take part of this reflection.
Grimes – We appreciate Power
Mashrou Leila – Icarus
Abacus feat. Cimone – Everybody‘s Got To Learn Sometime (Beck Cover)
Ran-D – Zombie (Cranberries Cover)
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