* ° ^ + ~ Arts of Dreaming #11: Vaquita ~ + ^ ° *
* ° ^ + ~ Arts of Dreaming #11 ~ + ^ ° *
What is the most enganged ocean mammal?
Less than 20 individuals of the Vaquita left…
Let’s bring all levels of diversity together,
to dream a world into reality, where
a social, empathic mammal species can survive.
The vaquita (Phocoena sinus) is a species of porpoise endemic to the northern end of the Gulf of California in Baja California, Mexico. Averaging 150 cm (4.9 ft) (females) or 140 cm (4.6 ft) (males) in length, it is the smallest of all living cetaceans. The species is currently on the brink of extinction, the steep decline in abundance is primarily due to bycatch in gillnets from the illegal totoaba fishery.
You can sign and share the petition here:
You can spread the word, tell anyone who will listen.
Thank you!
Songs and words played:
~ Mira Lu Kovacs / Schmieds Puls: How come, Album: Play Dead
~ Homero Aridjis: on the Vaquita
~ Aurora: Black Water Lilies
~ Dr. Anna Hall, President of the Porpoise Society: Save the Vaquita Petition
~ Nalini Blossom: The Water Blessing Song
~ Mira Lu Kovacs: Human, Album: What Else Can Break
~ Rising Appalachia: Stand like an Oak
#Extinction Rebellion
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