#alpinechangemaker ideas for a good life in the Alps
An art pavilion on the topic of mass tourism, bivouacs in abandoned barns or integrating marginalised groups better: the first “Alpine Changemaker Basecamp” (ACB) in Valposchiavo/CH at the beginning of July 2021 saw around 30 participants from the Alpine region further developing their projects for a better future in the Alps. Some of the participants sent us a short message to tell us more about their creative ideas and innovative projects.
Follow us on social media with the hashtag #alpinechangemaker.
More information: www.alpinechangemaker.org
The ACB was the first pilot project of the transdisciplinary “Alpine Changemaker Network”, an association of organisations from the fields of education, regional development and the environment. They are accompanied by a reflection group that evaluates the conception and implementation of the base camps. The network was initiated by CIPRA International and Jens Badura from berg_kulturbüro.
Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
Zur Sendereihe StationProton – das freie Radio
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