
soundInfusion by Frau Doktor Sarah is a musical infusion that is versatile and provides variety. Your sense organs are stimulated, the blood and nerve cells are encouraged to dance and your body and mind... mehr anzeigen

soundInfusion by Frau Doktor Sarah is a musical infusion that is versatile and provides variety.

Your sense organs are stimulated, the blood and nerve cells are encouraged to dance and your body and mind are holistically supplied with fresh energy. A eclectic 120 minutes Mix with surprising and flowing crossings

ON AIR on:

 radio AGORA 105,5

Takeover on:


 Radio FRO

„soundInfusion“ je glasbena infuzija, ki vpliva na celoten orgranizem in skrbi za dobro voljo.
Stimulira organe, spodbuja krvne in živčne celice k plesu in oskrbuje celo telo s svežo energijo.
Poslovi se od bakterij, ki ti monotono prepevajo v ušesih in spoznaj obširen svet glasbe. Vsaki oddaji se preveri radioaktivnost preden vam zanjo Doktorica Sarah napiše recept.

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radio AGORA 105 I 5

Alle 24 Folgen