Radio Refugee International

Radio Refugee International Vienna was founded by activists of the Refugee protest and unites various persons from different origin countries. We will spread our messages multi-lingually (among them Somali,... mehr anzeigen

Radio Refugee International Vienna was founded by activists of the Refugee protest and unites various persons from different origin countries. We will spread our messages multi-lingually (among them Somali, Arabic, English, German, French, …). Our program will include political topics, discussions about social movements as well as refugee rights. We plan to highlight background informations of the origin countries as well as the situation and political scenery in Austria generally and in particular for migrants and refugees. Apart from that we try to offer a pathway through the daily jungle made by authorities – also concerning the help organisations. One component of our program will provide informations about law, health and family matters. Furthermore we will react on racist incidents, racist systems and current political events by interviews and visiting demonstrations! But also entertainment and cultural activities shall not be left out.

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