Voice of Peace#43
In this show we have the following topics for you; on increase of divorce cases among refugee family by Oula Aldaly, on International workers‘ day by Sofiya Darsaniya, on press freedom day this year by Emad Husso, on the first female pilot in Afghan military by Jamal khan and on press freedom sitution in iraq by Hameed abo raghfee .
Presentation by ; Emad Husso and Mamal Kianipour.
Segments by ; Jamal Khan, Sofiya Darsaniya, Oula Aldary, Emad Husso and Hameed Abu Ragheef.
Technique by ; Jakob Salah.
Thema:Society policy
Radiomacher_in:Emad Husso, Hameed Abu-Ragheef, Jakob Salah, Jamal Khan, Mamal Kianipour, Oula Al Daly, Sofiya Darsaniya