Voice of Peace #28
In this show we have an interview about an Arabic library in Europe with ward al dmashky and about volunteers supporting asylum seekers with Georg Mackner from the TSD. Additionally there will be essays on the old Persian kingdom, on Donald Trump’s behavior and on Buddha. Also we have nice music as always.
Presentation: Emad Husso and Jamal Khan
Segments by: Jamal Khan, Mamal Kianipour, Emad Husso, Nassir Al Bruni, Bayarmaa Sukhbaatar, Sofiya Darsaniya
Thema:Society policy
Radiomacher_in:Bayarmaa Sukhbaatar, Emad Husso, Jamal Khan, Mamal Kianipour, Nassir Al Bruni, Sofiya Darsaniya
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