Verzweiflung, Wut und Hoffnung



Omixlh – Anti Nazi Army
Lipcream – 義理 (Be Torn Between Love & Duty)
Junkies – Felbe Tepve
Anal Trump – You gotta treat em like shit
Anal Trump – PTSD is gay
Anal Trump – Some mexicans aren’t rapists
Anal Trump – I like the soldiers who don’t get captured
Anal Trump – My daughter is a piece of ass
Anal Trump – Poor people are too stupid to get a loan from their parents
Anal Trump – There’s my african american!
Anal Trump – Blood coming out of her wherever
Anal Trump – Mexican judges don’t count
Anal Trump – Journalism is gay
Anal Trump – I‘d date my daughter
Anal Trump – Grab em by the pussy
Anal Trump – Take his coat
Anal Trump – Breast feeding is gay
Anal Trump – Ted Nugent is cool
Anal Trump – Dave Mustaine is cool
Anal Trump – Trump Tower has the best Taco Bowl
Anal Trump – Poll watcher
Anal Trump – Some things Saddam Hussein did well
Anal Trump – Changing diapers is gay
Anal Trump – Build that wall
Anal Trump – Alex Jones is smart
Anal Trump – I’m in astonishingly excellent health
Anal Trump – Stay in your pens
Anal Trump – Anal Trump – 911 was inconvenient for me, personally
Anal Trump – Make america great again
Anal Trump – Nobody respects women more than me
Anal Trump – Harriet Tubman is, like, a 3
Anal Trump – I demand an apology!
Anal Trump – That makes me smart!
Anal Trump – Mammograms are gay
Anal Trump – Nasty woman
Anal Trump – Before I proceed, I’d like to hear the other side of the argument against cervical cancer
Anal Trump – Flip your panties
Anal Trump – The fat picture
Anal Trump – If I don’t respect women, then how come I own a beauty pageant?
Anal Trump – Some of my best friends know some woman that they still have yet to sexualize
Anal Trump – The Trump rule
Anal Trump – Working wives
Anal Trump – Whom I’d sleep with 2000 (in order)
Wizo – Kein Gerede
Viagra Boys – Girls & Boys
Ton Steine Scherben – Mein Name ist Mensch
Laut Fragen – Sie sind zurück


Die Sendung mit dem Fixe

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Romeo Ried
Sprache: German