VENUSfrequency yogic edition 26 FEB 2021 | sutra 1.27 | pineal gland | OM


its OM time, with one of my favorite Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 1.27, … we will put our attention to the 3rd eye the pineal glandand the overuse, misuse and misunderstandings of Tantra Yoga is going to be a topic for not just today, aaaand its time to look into a mantra again. ASATO MA, SAT GAMAYA ..

… and lets hope the moon is still in love with the sun.

#carefullycurated #withlove

straight from my heart, in service, in bliss, dancing away my density and jump-ing into joy with you… lets transform our spirits and revitalize our lives togeth-er. #youAREmyTRIBE

VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HO-LISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful and loving world. broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation. “and when saying the feminine, not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in both men and women.” The power to either destroy & surpress or to heal & nourish, lies in our own vision.



Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: English

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