VENUSfrequency Yogic Edition 22 JAN 2021 > sutra 1.23 | upanishads | spiritual revolution


in one sense, Whatever the system is, its gonna fail unless we are trained in good character.
And once civilization looses touch with that, then it doesnt matter if you got a monarchy, a democracy or whatever system you might have.
Its gonna fail.
… but if within society there has been engrained strong, clear ideas of character, of spirituality, and if there are people and leaders in society on the local level, on national level on global level that are embodying that and showing the example, then almost any of these systems, they will work. We gotta change our character, thats why there needs to be the spiritual revolution.

Episide #128 of Wisdom of the Sages, by my teachers Ragunuth and Kaustuba Das a PODCAST to tune in to!
The Time for a Spiritual Revolution is Now
Says AUTHOR of the book I AM GOD IN DISGUISE, so are you, Craig Kolavo

and explains that we have been disconnected from our true nature. This is the “root cause”. Most of life’s pain, suffering, and struggles can be traced back to this disconnection. And although forgetting our divine nature is a necessary stage in our spiritual evolution, so is remembering! When we learn how to end this inner battle, peace will soon follow in the outer world.

Discover, Surrender, and Inspire, he says,
We must first
Discover the divine within, this dormant power embedded in all of humanity. there is this sleeping giant patiently waiting to be discovered. Every experience we have during the school of life is designed to lead us to this discovery.
We must then Surrender to this power. Divinity is your birthright. Yes, you were born into royalty CRAIG KOVALO sais. It is time to awaken!
Finally, we must Inspire others on this path.

and you are listening to VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION and humanENERGYworker lifestyle,
insupport of a more mindful and healing world…
with that in mind, lets Discover, Surrender, and Inspire TOGETHER! Now and forever and ever.

A spiritual revolution is long overdue. A simple shift in awareness is all that is needed. No shots need to be fired. No blood shed. The beauty of discovering our divine nature is that we also see this divinity in all beings. Its about time that we No longer see our fellow humans defined by their skin color, nationality, or sexual preference. When these superficial labels and layers are peeled away, we discover our oneness.


LOVE is the recognition of oneness, in this world of duality, ECKHART TOLLE.



and here it is, a brand new handselected, carefully curated, playlist put together #withlove for our together time of incredibe value and worth.

see CBA

“Your Sacred Space is where you can find yourself over and over again” Joseph Campbell

sutra 1.23, considering and connecting with the possibilities of a spiritual revolution…
THE CURVE OF HISTORY and the Upanishads introduced and translated by EKNATH EASWARAN



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Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: English