VENUSfrequency yogic edition 2018 october 26


What are all beings looking for in one way or another…it is peace. What steals our peace more than anything…it is our mind.


here with you is me, annemarie in the studios of RadioORANGE, Vienna, Austria, where we have been celebrating 20 years of Inependent non-commercial, community-powered and volunteer produced on air time together.


VENUSfrequency and RadioOrange…broadcast around the world with frequencies reaching up to VENUS and into the universe.


DIVING into the YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI today, simple and beautiful as that… all underlined by carfully curated world contemporary tunes by @devapremalmiten from their new album DEVA, and who I was just fortunate enough to see this week in Vienna @carloscipa @cirquedusoleil @quentinparistokyo #quentinsirjacq #mohorizons @mantratonicmusic @_shkoon @aukaimusic @natachaatlas @dtomusic @martinkohlstedt


I AM SO excited to be spending this hour together with you, dear beautiful listening soul out there, I feel you and thank you for YOUR frequencies and positively world changing energies. YOU are my tribe.


living and sharing

apop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & Energyworkerlifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healthier world

MY appologies for sometimes calling patanjali paNtanjali, I have no idea why I sneak an extra letter in there sometimes… #flwafullyme and #withlove #nomatterwhat



Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:annemarie p'art
Sprache: English