VENUSfrequency, yogic edition 2017 September 22
*** correction to today’s show. CHOGYAM TRUNGPA Rinpoche is former lineage holder, not founder ***
Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings wit eyes of compassion. THICH NHAT HANH
You are listening to VENUSfrequency’s the yogic edition. Thank you for tuning in and keeping me company, because the most precious gift we can offer one another is our presence.
living and sharing
a pop|culture way of the YOGA & REIKIenergy lifestyle,
… in support of a more mindful and healthier world
and a truly conscious society
Whats been showing up in my world reflects and influences the topics of these shows, always… ,
I went to see WALK with me, the Thich Nhat Hanh documentary, out in movie theaters right now, which resulted in me pulling out some books of his again from my bookshelf, so Thich Nhat Hanh definitely is getting some attention and then I got to attend the PEACE NOW Symposium here in Vienna this past weekend which was btw. Excellent and organized by the Vienna Shambala Center. AT this peace now symposium a series of lectures, highly dedicated and courageous people from different sectors of society were presenting what they are already contributing to a healthy society and to a good life for all. Their examples were truly inspirational and encourageing to actively shape the development of our world and to create peace with ourselves, in our immediate surroundings, and in society. I hope there will be many more of these PEACE NOW SYMPOSIUMS to follow, as this one was the first proto type and truly by far exceeded my expectations.
AND the man that it made me also think of again, due to the SHAMBALA affiliation of the symposium, is the Shambala Buddhism Lineage’s former lineage holder. CHOGYAM TRUNGPA Rinpoche. Ill give you a little bit of his story today too.
In the meantime, SMILE and vow to live fully in each moment and to look at everything with big loving googly eyes of compassion.
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@beatsantique #enya #healywidow @mishkamusic #krishan @aykanna @ adaniandwolf #samaris (@garajistanbul) @groovearmadapics @randomrab @joepbeving
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