VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 14 AUG 2020 I Shakti, Sutra 1.4, Bhramacharya


with each sunrise you encounter a dawn of new possibilities to serve. Recall this and you shall find a renewed purpose for each day. YOGI BHAJAN

This is annemarie, risign with the sun and encountering a dawn of new possibilities, serving YOU as one of MY purposes for today and every day.

You are listening to VENUSfrequency,

living and sharing

a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & ENERGYworker lifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healing world

Shiva is Shakti.

Shakti is Shive.

Nothing is Everything and Everything is Nothing.

A playlist filled with shivas and shaktis and nothings and everythings #carfullycurated for this show of SHAKTI energy and the ADI SHAKTI MANTRA, the 4th YAMA, Brahmacharya and SUTRA 1.4

In chronological order and available as identical playlist on Spotify, found as a link on VENUSfrequency’s facbook page – so follow and hang out together with me and






@The SinsSpirit


@LucianoTortorelli @LeoBrouwer






Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart, annemarie p'art
Sprache: English