VENUSfrequency yogic edition 06 MAY 2022 | sutra 2.20 | Emotions we store in our bodies


Brining you Sutra 2.20 once more this week, as last week’s show manifested technical difficulties in the uploading so to have it all in consecutive order as well for the archived online versions, 2.20 is getting another look. And as I will be in a 10 day meditation retreat and teacher training with my dear YIN YOGA teacher Markus Henning Giess over the next two shows, (and I am not yet sure if I will be able to rerecord new shows for you or give you reruns… just stay tuned in for that and listen in no matter what manifests…) so in that YIN spirit… lets tune into YIN energies with an atricle by BERNIE CLARK on How Emotions are Stored in our Bodies.
The Peace of Wild Things, Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.I come into the peace of wild thingswho do not tax their lives with forethoughtof grief. I come into the presence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind starswaiting with their light. For a timeI rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Lets rest in the grace of VENUSfrequencys, together for a while and raisevibrations, healtogether and be free.

Come in the presence of this pop|culture take of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle together in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

Me ANNEMARIE lying downs sometimes where the danube swans swim, in their beauty on the water, coming into the peace of wild things and the presence of broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy wavesthat vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation.

Bringing forth faith, hope, love, healing and the feminine,

and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in all of us men or women.”

because the power to either destroy, divide & suppress

or to

heal, UNITE, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, vision & responsibiy

MAY we continue to YOGA together,

may we realize & Salute that very SOURCE and oneNESS within each other,

Let us continue to practice, grow and change together, for UNITY and peace. …..

Conscious intelligence is the eternal light of awareness by which everything else is known, and has the power to know itself. Consciousness itself is the life of sentiency; it is how we are alive. Is what SUTRA 2.20 will tell us today. Its one of my many favorite sutras, because it holds yet another one of these unlocking keys… asThe mind is confused as it is in its general tendency, and believes it is the seer.

The mind (antahkarana) is comprised of Buddhi  (intellect), manas (root of desires) and ahamkara (ego). Of these, Buddhi , the thinker, thinks it has awareness. But it is consciousness that becomes the Buddhi, contracted by the objects of perception. Buddhi is ephemeral prakriti, consciousness is eternal Purusha. Buddhi  dies with the body, consciousness is untouched by death. More immediate than that, in the stillness of no thought, the mind goes utterly out of existence; the mind  being no different than the thoughts it thinks. The Buddhi notices this and, being the discriminative faculty, realizes the truth that the mind is not the Self. Thus begins the awakening of the yogi to the path of liberation (kaivalya).

… yayayyyy and THUS BEGINS the awakening of the yogi to the path of LIBERATION and we are awakening together via VENUSfrequency, like VENUS the powerful second planet from the sun, named after the ROMAN goddess of love and beauty. Called SHUKRA in SANSKRIT and VEDANTA terms, which means, “lucid, bright, clear”…

and all this episode holds yet another artPIECE of a carefully curated playlist of world contemporary tunes by coCreative interplay by these Prakritis and Purushas.



Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: English