VENUSfrequency yogic edition 03 JUN 2022 | Sutra 2.24 | Mercury Retrograde


as one of my teachers Raghunath Capo of SuperSoulFarm, Sage Academy and Wisdom of the Sages says… „Repetition is the mother of mastery“ –

The various sutras in The Yoga Sutras say the same thing several times. So, for you in the back that haven’t taken this in yet, . . . . . „YOUR TRUE NATURE IS MAGNIFICENCE!“

The sutras today are supporting this statement once again. The last sutra (2.23) states that the seer (you), and the seen (the external world) are separated by thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, etc. BUT, because life and the external world reflects you, it is easy to get sucked into believing the external world IS you.

This happens because the klesha (or obstacle) of misperception, which is the root of all other obstacles, prevent you from seeing and knowing your true self.

And also the end of Mercury retrograde today…. yayyyy

And with that realization that you do not heal feelings, that they heal you, when you allow them to guide you back to your original Wholeness,

your loving nature, your breath, your place on this Earth, with that in mind I allowed this carefully curated playlist of worldcontemporary healing tunes channel and manifest through me.

Identical playlists are found via Spotify, and contact me if you dont find a particular one, I gladly send you the link as not all are available on spotify at all times, its a bit of a game to engage you too and hear from you.

Brought ot you #withLOVE my dear fellow spirit souls…

VENUSfrequencys, guiding us back to our original holeness, raisingvibrations & healing together. VENUSfrequency, a pop|culture take of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle together in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

Me ANNEMARIE healed from the need to find healing elsewhere. broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation.

Bringing forth faith, hope, love, healing and the feminine, and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in all of us men or women.”because the power to either destroy, divide & suppress or to heal, UNITE, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, vision & responsibiy

MAY we continue to YOGA together, may we realize & Salute that very SOURCE and oneNESS within each other, Let us continue to practice the highest of arts, grow and change together, for UNITY and peace. …..

Here’s the bad news:

You can’t get ‘over’ a feeling.

You can’t get ‘past’ it.

You can’t release it.

You can’t let go of it.

You can’t transform or transmute it.

You can’t even heal it.

All these ideas come from the mind, not the body, not the Heart.

They are all subtle forms of violence, sneaky ways of saying ‘no’ to a feeling, aiming for its disappearance, its death.

We learn to let go of ‘letting go’.

We stop trying to release.

We end the exhausting effort to heal.

Instead, we are present.

We offer a feeling our simple presence.

Our non-resistant attention.

Our love.

Here’s the good news:

In this field of presence the feeling is no longer a problem,

an enemy, an aberration, a stain, a block to freedom.

It is no longer ‘something wrong’.

It is no longer ‘negative’.

It is no longer a threat.

It is no longer an unwanted child.

You are now its guardian, its protector, its loving parent, its Home.

And held lightly, in a still space of allowing,

the feeling stays for a while, or moves on, or returns, or never returns, but either way, you are healed from the need to find healing elsewhere.

You do not heal feelings, you see, they heal you, when you allow them to guide you back to your original Wholeness,

your loving nature, your breath, your place on this Earth.





Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: English