VENUSfrequency yogic edition 02 OCT 2020 I om Sarve, sutra 1.11, five elements


“Close your eyes and turn all the way around, slow-w-ly. Sense or feel the open door, the one that offers you ease, that welcomes you to a new homecoming.

“Walk up to this doorway, still with your eyes closed. Feel the grain of the threshold under your feet, the doorjamb beneath the palm of your hand. Feel the life pulsing on the other side, offering itself to you. 

“When you’re ready, step through. Breathe this new air. Feel who you are, in this unknown, deeply familiar place. Feel how you stand, how your feet hold and are held by the ground here. 

 “Feel yourself welcomed, embraced, in all your beauty and timidity, your power and grace. Feel all this place holds for you and with you. 

“Ask those questions that glow steadily in your heart. 

Here are the ones that arise to my lips in this liminal space. 

“Why am I here? 

“How do I truly love? 

“What is yearning to be born? 

“How do I serve now? 

“How do I love my world now? 

“Stay here for as long as you wish. When you feel complete, for now, ask this place for a talisman, a reminder that the door is open for you, that welcome and belonging await you there, as they do here. 

“Turn around, and step back into the present moment, bringing the gifts of this place with you. Place your talisman on your altar, or in the altar of your heart. Kiss it, bless it, be blessed by it.

“Write a note, a promise to yourself, to your soul, to your world: This is what I will do to live where I’m being called, to live where I belong. 
“Then, gather your allies and resources. Make a plan. Put it into motion. Begin today.” 
From Hiro Boga’s new book  To Be Soul, Do Soul: Adventures In Creative Consciousness 

And this is annemarie 

Writing notes, promising myself, my soul to the world. That this is what I will do to live where Iam being called, to live where I belong… and gathering my allies and resources and I hope you come along, lets put this into motion. Lets begin today.

and You are listening to VENUSfrequency,  

living and sharing

a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & ENERGYworker lifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healing world


“Walk up to this doorway, still with your eyes closed. Feel the grain of the threshold under your feet, the doorjamb beneath the palm of your hand. Feel the life pulsing on the other side, offering itself to you…. AND LET THESE carefully curated SOUNDCREATIONS be your soundtrack as gifts from todays adventures into creative concisousness together.  













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Mantra of TODAY Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,  

Starting with the five elements SERIES today as an overview and will go into further detail with all the elements coming up in following shows.

aaaaaand continuing also on the Patanjali YOGA SUTRA trail, we are are 11 Sutras in of 195, so only 184 more to go after today… yay, we are getting there.



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Orange 94.0

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Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:annemarie p'art
Sprache: English