VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 17 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.24 | mirror of the mind
17.01.2025WE ARE YOGA and may we continue to practice together In the HERE, where time is yet to be born, may we stay with the unknow, With the unchanging Truth within ourselfes.
„Welcome to VENUSfrequency, a space where we blend the wisdom of the ages with the rhythm of today. This episode is dedicated to Sutra 4.24 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras—a profound reflection on the nature of the mind. This sutra reminds us that the mind, despite its many impressions and distractions, holds a divine purpose: toseek unity, to become a clear mirror reflecting the soul’s light. Together, we’ll explore how our mental impressions shape us, how we can transcend them, and how yoga helps us move from separation to the unity that binds all existence. Let’s continue together on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. With a meditative practice today and some affirmations to tie in at the end of this episode. CAN YOU BELIEVE, there are only 10 more sutras to go and we will have completed our journey through the 196 yoga sutras of Patanjali! Whats next, I don’t yet know, but I am definitely open to suggestions, what journey shall we embark on next? And definitely get your party hats ready for that celebration coming up soon.
„And of course, I invite you to immerse yourself in this week’s carefully curated playlist—our spirits journey together and tapestry of sound, that underline the themes of our exploration. There was Mooji Mala’s OPENING poetic offering In This Moment, a gentle reminder that beyond the illusions of past, present, or future lies the timeless truth of who we are. After the Fire by Heather Christie, a heartfelt reflection calling for rain, relief, and renewal—both for our landscapes and our inner worlds.
Playlists of our hang out time together, one of my weekly gifts from me to you, these are threads in the weave of this shared space—offering moments to pause, to breathe, to remember the unity we all share.
These playlists are more than music; they’re a sanctuary for reflection and connection, available to you anytime, wherever you are. So, let’s hang out together in this shared rhythm, this timeless dance of being. LISTENING to resonance, stirring harmonies, soulful melodies and the transcendent notes by….
**“And as always, feel free to visit me at—send me a message, join the TRIBE, share a song, some wisdom, inspiration, or even your favorite book recommendations! You can also connect with VENUSfrequency on Facebook and Instagram.For those who’ve asked about the music, it’s easy—just follow me on Spotify under ‘annemarie VENUSfrequency’ to explore these carefully curated playlists of world-contemporary tunes, the soundtracks of our shared present moment. These playlists are my small weekly gift to you—our hangouttime together, anytime, anywhere, keeping each other company in true VENUSfrequency fashion. Continuing to show up for each other, sharing ourselves through Seva—selfless service—. #raisingvibrations, #healingtogether We are each other’s medicine, timeless and eternal…