TURBO-RADIO™ with TurbonegrA 20.05.2010
with Dancing S**** and Mikki S***
a) TurbonegrA-interview and „hosted by“-ish most favourite songs thingy
b) raffle to win TurbonegrA/Turbojugend Salzburg/TURBO-RADIO™ – stuff
c) most sexy English you heard on the airwaves…
Send your answer to the question: „Which is the family name of our beloved
TURBO-RADIO™-host Dancing?“ until June 17th 2010 to the following address
… and win one of above under b) told 2 packages! And don’t
forget to mention your address and real name in your mail!!
We will announce the 2 winners in the comments section of this blog on June 18th!
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