TRANSEO II. / composition for a checkpoint
For this archive we decided to present the sound of transeo III. – a follow up investigation in Berlin in oct 09. info incl. photo-story see link TRANSEO III: below ———————————————————————————-
What is inside the parcels? No one knows what they really are carrying. Is the inside hiding a baby coming to this world, or is there a woman giving birth, or is there just a nameless body – alive or dead? Nobody can see but some people can hear. How can these ‘inside sounds’ of the parcels be merged into the outside world?
The subjects of border crossing, baby-mother connection, and the parcel as material element which in certain cases could contain one’s life, are relevant for both artists’ body of work: here they meet on a physical and on a psychological level.
Villő Turcsány (HU) (Kuenstler/in)
Borjana Ventzislavova (AT/BG) (Kuenstler/in)
intimacy & distance ON AIR FESTIVAL archive
Zur Sendereihe StationOrange 94.0
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