Tomaž Čelig (predstavitev/interview)
Rojen leta 1979 v Mariboru, po končani srednji šoli se je vpisal na Pravno fakulteto v Mariboru, ki pa jo je po nekaj letih zapustil. Prepisal se je na mariborsko Pedagoško fakulteto, kjer uspešno študira zgodovino in filozofijo.
Sodeloval je na številnih literarnih večerih v galeriji Media Nox, leta 1999 je imel literarni večer na otvoritvi info razstave Andya Warhola v razstavišču Union v Mariboru. Leta 2000 je za svojo poezijo prejel nagrado Litera. Leta 2002 sodeluje z multimedijskim performansom V agoniji, v katerem se prepletajo poezija, glasba in projicirani virtualni prostori, na festivalu Performa v Mariboru, leta 2003 se z omenjenim performansom otvori študentski kulturni festival Štukfest. Pesniška zbirka Lutke je njegov knjižni prvenec, kaj bo z njim v prihodnje, pa še ne ve.
Iz spremne besede Roberta Titana Felixa: Lutke so zelo konsistentne v svoji poetiki, v kateri prevladujejo motivi neuresničene ljubezni, motivi odtujenega človeka v skrajno tehnologiziranem svetu ter osnovni poetološki in bivanjski premisleki. Ekspresivno najizrazitejši je v ljubezenskih pesmih, v katerih ljubezensko razočaranje vodi lirski subjekt na rob obupa, v deziluzijo ljubezni do ženske. Ženske slika kot hladna bitja krvi in telesa, ki moškemu »puščajo papirnate ladje / v razburkanem zalivu / električnih tokov / možganskega tkiva« in ga s tem begajo, tako da svoja občutja poetizira in s tem išče novo etično ravnotežje, kar pa mu dodatno otežuje tehnologiziran, nevrotičen, odtujen svet, poln neosebne komunikacije, kateremu se pesnik zoperstavlja s svojo poezijo.
Tomaž Čelig was born in Maribor in 1979. After finishing secondary school, he went to Faculty of Law in Maribor, but left it a few years later. He went to Faculty of Education, where he successfully studies history and philosophy. He cooperated in many literary evenings in Media Nox gallery and had a literary performance at the opening of Andy Warhol exhibit in Union, Maribor in 1999. In 2000 he received Litera prize for his poetry. In 2002 he cooperates with multimedia performance In agony at Performa festival in Maribor, that it is full of poetry, music and projected virtual spaces. In 2003 this performance was at the opening of Štukfest.
From the accompanying text by Robert Titan Felix: Poetic collection Puppets is the first by Tomaž Čelig. It is consistent in its poetics, in which prevail motives of unfulfilled love, alienation of people in extremely technologically advanced world and basic poetic and existential thoughts. He is most expressive in love poems, in which disappointment in love leads the persona to the verge of despair and to disillusion of love to women. Woman`s picture as cold being of flesh and blood, that leave the man with “paper boats / in rough bay / electric currents / cerebral tissue” and confuse him by it, so that he poeticizes his feelings and by that searches for new ethical balance. But, this is hardened by technologically advanced, neurotic, alienated world, which is full of impersonal communication. The poet opposes it with his poetry.
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Genre: Interview
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