Theatre & War | Singing collectively – Hor 29. Novembar


(1) Theatre & War – Studio live talk with Jana Dolecki
During the Yugoslav wars of the 1990ies, in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia theatre was practised in a traditional way both in „official“ as „inofficial“ stages, but also new forms were created. Listen to jana Dolecki, artist and theatre researcher, in conversation with Woman on Air Helga Neumayer about her experiences and investigations.

2) Singing collectively – Hor 29. Novembar
On the living tradition of workers and partisan songs

The open choir Hor 29. Novembar is bringing together a multilingual crowd of people. Jana Dolecki, conductor of the choir, is talking with Woman on Air Helga Neumayer on the practise of collective singing in Turkish, Greek, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Catalan, Portugese, Russian, Yiddish and … German language.

Program prepared & presented by Helga Neumayer

Technical support: Melli Lyn, Petra Pint


Globale Dialoge – Women on Air

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Helga Neumayer
Sprache: Englisch

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