The Passion and the Arts


In todays edition of Snapshots from the Borders we talk about: Our interests, what is our passion, what keeps us alive and what role does art play in our lives and in what form(s).

Saif is today’s host in the studio and will be accompanied by Gea and Joseph.

Saif also did an interview with Omar Khir Alanam. Omar is talking about his book and his biography as he writes:

“ Poetry and prose, my texts have been published in magazines and on the internet. The themes of my texts are love, exile, revolution, flight, exclusion, home, hope and identity.“

Second guest today is Peninah Lesorogol, she is an artisan from Kenia and talks about culture and the arts,

I come from a humble community known as Samburu who see nothing beyond the nature. Perhaps that’s why my little boy is so attached to the culture. Am gonna teach my kids the roots and culture. I might be in Europe, but my Culture lives in me forever.

Favour catched a cold and we will miss her today.

In times of Corona Saif will connect his guests via long distance call.

Omar’s Website

Peninah’s Website


Snapshots From The Borders

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Gea, Saif, Walther
Sprache: Deutsch

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