Taking an intersectional approach to tackling human rights abuses


No More Violence Against Women; the podcast of the WAVE Network.

In this podcast, WAVE voices are amplified to give insight on topics such as sexualised violence, online violence, femicides, violence against women with disabilities, youth activism, important legislation such as the Istanbul Convention, and more to highlight the different forms and dimensions of violence against women and girls.If you ever ask yourself how you can change the world; just look in the mirror – it starts with YOU! In this episode, we are discussing the important role of civil society and community to campaigning to end gender-based violence, advocating for women´s rights and overall effectively promoting human rights. We are sharing creative campaigning and advocacy methods to cultivate stronger activism and support young activists in achieving sustainable activism in today’s world.

In this episode, Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad is discussing with us her perception of different feminisms, is sharing her thoughts about women’s shelters and her experiences with law enforcement. As racism, sexism, and ableism remain prevalent in German society, with stereotypes shaping our perceptions of the ‘perfect’ victim and perpetrator, a long way still needs to be gone to redress justice and end different forms of violence. To prevent these discriminations and prejudices from happening in the first place, we need critical thinking and unlearn the biases we were socialised with, starting from a young age. However, unlearning is a very hard process, explains Nivedita. Making work environments more diverse to give space to different voices could be one of the first steps to taking an intersectional approach when tackling human rights abuses. There is hope with the youth, adds Nivedita.

created and developed by Charlotte Cramer, intersectional queer feminist activist and WAVE intern

produced and edited by Charlotte Cramer

WAVE Network: WebsiteFacebookTwitter and Instagram

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or opinion/position of Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE).


No More Violence Against Women – podcast of the WAVE Network

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:WAVE Network
Sprache: Englisch