SYMPATHY FOR THE RECORD INDUSTRY tribute on the Endless Summer radio show!


Wildly irreverent, SYMPATHY FOR THE RECORD INDUSTRY blazed it´s own path through indie rock in the 80s up into the 2000´s with hundreds of releases ranging from scratchy punk to psych, from druggy country to indie rock.

Join us for a look back at this incredible label and some of the bands that were on it!

This tribute features music from the label by the following artists:

The Lazy Cowgirls

Jeff Dahl & Cheetah Chrome

The Pooh Sticks

Haunted Garage

El Vez

The Muffs

Roky Erickson

The White Stripes

Black Randy and the Metrosquad

The Waldos

Rodney and the Tube Tops

Baby Lemonade

The Wesley Willis Fiasco

The Dwarves


The Endless Summer

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Thema:Musik allgemein
Sprache: Englisch

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