Suzana Tratnik (prestavitev / interview)
Suzana Tratnik, rojena 1963 v Murski Soboti. Diplomirala iz sociologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede, končala magistrski študij antropologije spolov na Fakulteti za podiplomski študij ISH. Živi in dela v Ljubljani kot pisateljica, prevajalka in publicistka. Tratnikova je kot dolgoletna aktivistka lezbičnega gibanja in kot esejistka leta 1996 souredila delo L, zbornik o lezbičnem gibanju na Slovenskem 1984-1995. Doslej je objavila več kratkih zgodb v literarnih revijah (Mentor, Dialogi, Razgledi, Primorska srečanja, Sodobnost, Literatura), dvakrat je bila med izbrankami natečaja za žensko kratko zgodbo (1995 in 1996) in dobila je tretjo nagrado na natečaju za ljubezensko pismo revije Primorska srečanja (1997). Njene zgodbe so objavljene v nemški antologiji evropske lezbične proze Sappho kuesst Europa (Querverlag, Berlin 1997) in v ameriški antologiji The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction (Vintage Press, New York and Toronto 1999). Leta 1998 je izdala literarni prvenec kratkih zgodb Pod ničlo. Leta 2001 je objavila roman Ime mi je Damjan in dobila drugo nagrado za kratko zgodbo na natečaju revije Naša žena. Leta 2002 je izbor kratkih zgodb Tratnikove z naslovom Unterm Strich izšel pri avstrijski založbi Milena Verlag. V istem letu je avtorica pripravila tudi monodramo Ime mi je Damjan, ki je bila premierno prikazana junija 2002 v Ljubljani, v produkciji ŠKUC gledališča. Konec leta 2003 je izdala zbirko kratkih zgodb Na svojem dvorišču, leto pozneje pa strokovno delo Lezbična zgodba: literarna konstrukcija seksualnosti. Leta 2005 je njen roman Ime mi je Damjan izšel v češčini (Praga, One Woman Press), jeseni pa izide tudi v nemškem (Mein Name ist Damian, Milena Verlag) in srbskem prevodu (Beograd, Deve). Revijalna objava v nemščini: »Unterm Strich«, Volltext, Zeitung für Literatur (Avstrija), februar/marec 2004. Doslej je za razne slovenske založbe (ŠKUC-Lambda, */cf, Sanje) prevedla več teoretičnih in leposlovnih del z angloameriškega področja. /
Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Suzana Tratnik was born in 1963 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. She graduated in sociology in Ljubljana at The Faculty of Social Sciences. She has a Master's degree in Gender Anthropology at The Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities. She lives and works in Ljubljana as a writer, translator and publicist. Tratnik has been a lesbian activist for several years, a journalist and an essayist, and she is the co-editor of a book L, An Anthology of the Lesbian Movement in Slovenia, 1984-1995. Up to now she has published several short stories in Slovenian literary and cultural magazines (Mentor, Dialogi, Razgledi, Primorska srečanja, Sodobnost, Literatura). She was chosen twice in an annual competition (1995 and 1996) for the publication/anthology of the thirteen best stories written by women in Slovenia. She was also awarded third prize in the Love-Letters competition by the literary magazine Primorska srečanja (1997). One of her stories was published in German Anthology of European Lesbian Prose – Sappho küsst Europa (Querverlag, Berlin 1997) and in The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction, edited by Joan Nestle and Naomi Holloch (Vintage Press, New York and Toronto 1999). In 1998 Suzana Tratnik published a book of 13 short stories called Pod ničlo (Below Zero) and in 2001 a novel titled Ime mi je Damjan (My Name Is Damian). That same year she won second prize in the short story competition by the women's magazine Naša žena. In 2002 a collection of Tratnik’s short stories titled Unterm Strich was published by the Austrian publishing house Milena Verlag. She adapted her novel My Name Is Damian for a theatre piece – a monodrama, which premiered in June 2002, in Ljubljana, under the production of The SKUC Theatre. At the end of 2003 she published a collection of short stories titled In One's Own Backyard and a year later she wrote a study The Lesbian Story: A Literary Construction of Sexuality. In 2005 her novel My Name Is Damian was published by the Czech publisher One Woman Press (Prague), in autumn it will be also published by Austrian publisher Milena Verlag (Vienna) and Serbian publisher Deve (Beograd). She has translated several books of British and American fiction and non-fiction for different publishers.
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