Sonars ## HOLY WAVE (Psych / Retro – El Paso, TX – US) + Sonar (Astral Pop / Psych – Bergamo – IT) # + Giant Anteater (Heavy Rock – Innsbruck – AT)
Holy Wave creates a brand of psych that brings to mind fellow Texans surf-psychedelia like The 13th Floor Elevators and modern contemporaries like The Black Angels! In the words of Austin Psych Fest curators, ¨carefully combine fluid forms of sacred surf sounds, droning riffs and group vocals that haunt and harmonize in equal measure.¨ „What stands out about Holy Wave is the sonic textures they apply to make their sound pierce through the smoke-filled haze that engulfs most psych bands“ -Covert Curiosity # I SONARS sono un trio neo-psichedelico formato nel 2014 da Frederick Paysden, Serena Oldrati e David Paysden. ##
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